Active Duty_Gay Military Erotic Romance Read online

Page 13

  “I’m almost done with my puzzle, and I was headed that way myself.” He bounded back into bed with his paper and pen and watched me head to the latrine.

  Our morning started with our physical training, and after our five-mile run, we headed to the mess hall for breakfast.

  I ate and hurried back to the barracks to shower before our next class started. I didn’t want to be all sweaty for our CPR recertification. I had turned off the water and was starting to dry off as Sergeant Harris entered the shower room.

  “I turned my back to you, and you disappeared.” He tossed his towel over a hook and walked straight at me. His thick penis bounced off each leg as he walked. His low-hanging hairy sac swung easily between his long hairy legs. He looked like a model on the runway. He smiled at me and I felt my dick start to swell.

  How could I be partnered with him for the next two weeks? This was going to be hell.

  “I need to be clean before I can do CPR. I see you do too. I don’t know how anyone can concentrate when they’re sweaty and stinky.” He turned on the water, and the spray cascaded over his body, making the hair darker against his tan body. A square-cut swimsuit tan line showed a white ass and pelvis. He turned to face the water and his perfectly sculpted ass dimpled as he moved. His cheeks were smooth as could be and as he bent over, a tight pink pucker winked at me.

  I fumbled the towel as I dried between my legs and tried to hide my swelling penis. “Did they change the rules again this year?” My voice sounded squeaky as I asked.

  “Isn’t that the point? Change it each year so we have to learn it and test out of it.” He looked over his shoulder. His torso twisted to reveal a lean form of rippling muscles. The bronzed skin showed each muscle to fine definition.

  I wrapped the towel around me and headed back to my locker. I jumped into my boxers, still damp as I tried to pull them up over my ass. I struggled to get them up, but the elastic waistband rolled and bunched up underneath the towel.

  A hand slipped into my underwear and brushed my hairy butt. The fingers rolled the material flat and smoothed it out, before pulling it up in back. He patted my bottom and moved over to his locker.

  “My kids always get stuck in their clothes.” Harris dried his back with his towel, still flashing his amazing backside at me. With each step, the glutes flexed and dimpled.

  “I guess I haven’t grown up yet either.” I pulled the damp towel from around my waist and ran it over my dripping head.

  Harris bent over into his locker and pulled out a pair of boxers. He stepped into them, making his white cheeks disappear.

  My heart seemed to sigh in my chest. “I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I hear the AC is out and the classroom is in direct sun.”

  “Crap. Why do we have training in the summer? Can’t we get a cold month for a change? I hate losing two weeks of my summer. My kids complain, and they want to come with me.”

  “They love to camp?” I asked as I pulled my T-shirt over my head.

  “They would rather be here than me. Give me the mower and a cold beer.” He pulled on a pair of baggy shorts over his boxers. He found a sleeveless shirt with large openings on each side of it. His naked torso was framed in the cotton.

  I bit my lower lip as I found my shorts and socks.

  He sat on his bunk to pull on his socks and I noted his long, hairy toes. As he sat, his shorts leg peeked open and revealed a hairy testicle dangling along one of his legs.

  I bit down harder. How the fuck was I going to be able to concentrate now?

  “Did they give you a Red Cross CPR book?” Harris uncrossed his legs and switched feet.

  I tried not to look, but I couldn’t help it. I was weak. His thick cock dangled down his other pant leg.

  Double damn.

  I knew my shorts would be pitching a tent sooner than we needed one.

  Harris knelt on the floor over the mannequin as he started CPR. His shorts hugged his ass, deep into the crease and tight over his muscular buttocks. The waistband slipped down a bit to show a triangle of hair in the small of his back.

  I wanted to comb my fingers through that patch of hair so badly. I dropped the CPR booklet and lost my page.

  “How many compressions am I supposed to do?” Harris looked up at me, expecting an answer.

  I flipped through the book, trying to find the page.

  Harris rose up and I noticed his shorts had ridden up and a pink, hairy orb peeked out of a leg as he reached across the mannequin. A white band of skin contrasted from his tan as his shorts and shirt parted.

  “Get down here and help me,” he demanded.

  I moved to the opposite side of the mannequin. I looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled. “I don’t have a clue where it is.”

  He reached over and grabbed the book from my hand and then sat back on his feet. His shorts were pulled tight over his groin and outlined his package. One testicle had slipped down and the rounded furry tip peeked out.

  He arched his back and thrust his pelvis even farther into my line of view.

  Was he doing that on purpose? Was he coming on to me?

  “It’s your turn to pump and blow, pump and blow. I want to see your technique.”

  What did he mean by that? I swallowed hard and started CPR.

  * * *

  Next day, we had our orders and headed out to camp for three days: setting up, building a latrine and cooking our own food, as we played war games and worked on strategies of warfare.

  I crawled into our tent and settled into my sleeping bag. The night was hot and humid and not a breeze blew in the evening sky. I usually slept naked at home, but since I had to share quarters, I kept on a pair of boxers and a T-shirt.

  Sergeant Harris unzipped the tent and entered. He smelled of Crest toothpaste and a shower with Irish Spring. I inhaled deeply and stopped suddenly. I worried he would hear me and figure out what I was doing.

  “Hot one tonight.” Harris unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off one shoulder and then the other. He wore a wifebeater underneath and pulled that off too. His muscles rippled underneath his bronze skin. A reddish tinge from the sun covered his chest and back.

  “It’s only for two days.” I rolled over onto my side to watch him undress.

  He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. His hairy belly filtered down into his boxers waistband. His fly winked open to reveal thick, curly hair inside.

  I lay back down and stared at the peak of the tent. A spot in the canvas held my attention as Harris struggled in the cramped space to get his pants off.

  He sat down and brought his legs up, pulling his pants off the rest of the way. He kicked his hairy legs, making his muscles stand out as he stretched. His feet sprang free, and he flopped down on his back onto his sleeping bag. He let his legs drop, allowing them to spread wide, and one foot landed on my sleeping bag. His toe brushed against my leg.

  My leg felt as if it burned from his touch. Instinct almost made me pull it away, but desire forced me to keep it there. The air in the tent was hot and humid. A sheen of sweat covered my body. The night had done little to cool the heat of the day away.

  “Man, I’m beat. What a day. I’m sure the heat and humidity are kicking my butt.” Harris rolled on his side to face me.

  I could feel his eyes on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he adjusted himself in his boxers. I knew I couldn’t be rude, so I rolled on my side to face him. “Camping can be fun, but this seems like a lot of work.”

  “If we’re ever in combat, I’m sure they want us to be able to survive in a tent.”

  My sleeping bag was cooking me alive. I pulled my underwear away from my balls and out of the crack in my ass before taking my arms out of the bag and letting them air out. “At least it’s only for a few nights.”

  “How can you stay in that bag? I’d burst into flames. You should at least take off your T-shirt.” He motioned for me to follow his orders.

  I reached into the sleeping bag and pulled my shirt o
ff and over my head. I placed it above my pillow.

  Harris reached over, picked it up and brought it to his face. He inhaled. “You’re soaking wet.” He twisted his body as he tossed my shirt back. His boxers slipped down his hip and showed the crest of his butt. The furry patch in the small of his back trailed lower and into his crease. When he looked at me, he noticed my gaze. He rolled over onto his belly and pushed his butt up as he settled down. “This isn’t the most comfortable sleeping.” He spread his legs wider to expose as much of his body to catch a breeze if it came.

  None did.

  “Did you want the light on? I’m sure that’s adding to the heat.”

  And so are you, I thought, but just shook my head. “You can turn it off.”

  He reached for it, and his boxers pulled down lower on his torso, the quarter top of his ass coming into view just as the light went out, his deep hairy crack disappearing in the dark.

  I didn’t sleep at all that night.

  My dick was raw and my boxers were soaked as I struggled out of my sleeping bag. I unzipped the entire bag to let it dry out during the day.

  I crawled out of the tent, and Harris was on my tail. I wrapped my towel around my body and headed to the latrine. Harris followed close behind, and as we finished our morning pee, he cocked his head to the side and said, “There’s a pond over there where we could wash before starting the day.” His boxers stuck to him like a second skin. “I’m sticky and need a dip. Going to join me?” He headed off without waiting for a reply.

  I followed, watching his butt bounce and sway from side to side and up and down.

  Harris took off running and dove into the pond from a wooden dock that led out onto clear fresh water. I followed and looked into the water as he splashed around.

  “Come in, it’s warm.”

  I stepped off the dock and entered cold water. My head disappeared under the surface as every nerve ending screamed with cold and refreshment. Bubbles flowed over my body and up my boxers as I floated up to the surface.

  I spat out the water and opened my eyes. “Wow, that woke me up.”

  “Good,” Harris said, and smiled. He dove under the water and swam to me. He slowly rose in front of me. His blue eyes sparkled in the morning sun. He touched my shoulder and said, “I’ll race you to the dock.” And he took off with a splash.

  Despite his longer arms and legs, I beat him. I climbed out of the water and watched as he did the same. His boxers were almost see-through and it looked like he had morning wood. But if that was so, shouldn’t the major timber have gone down after we peed?

  I looked down and realized I mirrored him.

  Harris smirked and walked down the wooden planks to get his towel. He picked up mine and handed it to me. His hand brushed mine for a few seconds, and he held it there. Goose bumps rose over me and not from the water’s chill.

  “Let’s go get breakfast,” he said.

  I walked behind him and enjoyed the view. It looked like he wore nothing. The illusion was only ruined by his elastic waistband.

  The rest of the day was spent playing war games, challenging our shooting skills and tactical skills, and seeing how well we could read a map and use the compass and sights for possible aerial attacks.

  The heat of the day beat down on us and I drank as much water as I could to stay hydrated. Two men passed out and had to be sent to the infirmary for IV fluids to rehydrate them.

  Harris motioned for me after supper to head over to the latrine. “Let’s go skinny-dipping. It’ll cool us off before bed.”

  I dreaded to see how hot our tent was going to be and this was the only way to really cool off. “Lead on.”

  We stripped off our clothes back to back and jumped into the water, then swam for a while to relax our sore muscles. Once cool, we floated together.

  “I guess it could be worse,” I said.

  “How?” Harris smiled as he sank lower into the water until only his eyes were above the surface.

  “I’ve had some partners that are so intense and no fun. They couldn’t relax to save their life and would never do this in a million years.”

  “You have to make the best out of life,” Harris said. “If you don’t no one else will.”

  What simple advice and such great insight. “I guess we do make our experiences better or worse by how we see them and react to them.”

  Harris moved closer to me. I could feel his body heat radiate through the water.

  He kicked his legs in front of me, treaded water and looked at me.

  I was instantly hard and wondered if he could see, and then I wanted to see if he was too, but couldn’t look down. His gaze held mine.

  He moved closer.

  We could almost touch and my body tensed. I felt he was going to kiss me, but he held his distance and floated.

  My breathing increased, and my whole body tingled with a schoolgirl crush. What was he doing to me? He was married with children. Was he flirting? What the hell was going on?

  His leg brushed against mine in the water. “Should we head back?” His voice was so smooth and calm.

  “Sure,” I shivered. Not sure whether it was from the cold water or the heat I felt for Harris.

  We climbed out of the water, and I used my undershirt to dry off.

  Harris shook his body like a dog, spraying water everywhere. His hair tightened into smaller curls when wet.

  We dressed in silence and headed back to our tent. Stopping at the latrine to empty our bladders was the last event before crawling into the inferno.

  I pulled my damp clothes off and spread them out. As I started to slip into my sleeping bag, Harris turned to me and said, “Are you sure you want to get in there? You’ll cook inside and never get any sleep.”

  “I didn’t sleep well last night, but after today, I should.” I pushed the top of the sleeping bag back and lay on the inside.

  Harris stripped down to his shorts and lay on top of his bag. He brought his hands behind his head and sighed.

  I looked at the hair in his armpit and across his chest. My gaze traveled lower and noticed a bulge in his boxers. The fly gaped open, and dark hair sprouted out of the hole.

  “It must be hard,” Harris said.

  “What?” Had he caught me looking? Was I daydreaming and I missed something? I looked at him startled.

  His easy smile calmed me. He rolled onto his side and rested his head on his palm. He looked up and down my body before he spoke. He reached over and touched my shoulder. He drew his finger over my collarbone and to the base of my neck. He paused for a second and headed south between my pecs. He combed the hair into a part, lower and lower.

  I closed my eyes as he stopped at the bottom of my pecs, but he continued lower, across my abs, over one bump, to the next to the next. He paused above my belly button and followed the hair around and around. He dipped into it and tickled me, but I held perfectly still.

  He popped out of the navel and continued down.

  He approached my waistband where the hair thickened. Touch it, touch it, touch it.

  He traced my waistband and ran his finger back and forth. Each pass, he pressed deeper into my torso, inching underneath the waistband, lower.

  I stopped breathing. My body tensed and trembled as he traced deeper. My dick had been down in my boxers, but now it arced.

  “Relax,” he whispered. His fingertip touched the base of my dick.

  It leapt in my boxers and pulled up. It slapped the back of his hand and bounced off of it.

  His hand flipped, and his fingers wrapped around my shaft. He held me in his grasp. Ever so slowly, he stroked up and down barely a millimeter. Up and down, he stroked and my cock swelled in his hand.

  “Beautiful,” was all he said, as he rose up onto his knees.

  “I…” I started to speak, but he reached over with his other hand and placed a finger over my lips.

  “Shhh.” He brought his lips down to mine and hovered over them. They opened as mine parted and we
kissed. Long, deep and slow, his tongue touching mine. He straddled my body so that we were pelvis to pelvis. His erection rubbed along mine.

  I pressed up against him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face down to my mouth. Deeper his tongue entered. He knew how to kiss. My hands released his neck and followed down his body. My fingers found his underwear and pushed them down.

  His butt bared but his thick cock held his shorts in place.

  I switched to the front of his boxers and pulled harder, releasing his dick. It swung free as he pulled mine off.

  He set his naked body on mine and electricity flowed over us. Each nerve in me desired more. He humped me and his cock slid along mine. Precome oozed out of me and made our dicks slide against each other more easily. His hairy balls tickled mine as he pumped back and forth.

  I grabbed and squeezed his buttcheeks and kneaded the solid muscles. I pulled them apart and let my fingers trace along his crease. He moaned with pleasure as I explored. He moved lower and his hard-on slipped between my legs and probed.

  I arched my back and allowed easier access. His thick shaft stretched me as it sought deeper entry to my opening. I pulled harder on his ass, driving him on to me, wanting him deep inside me.

  He reached over to his bag and pulled out a bottle of lube. I didn’t even question why a straight man would have a bottle. He pulled out a condom and set it next to us. He spread lube along his dick and applied a healthy coating to my butt. His finger found my hole and worked lube inside. He circled and pressed in only to circle again. His thick finger spread my tender opening.

  “You’re tight,” he said.

  “Ahh,” was all I could say.

  He applied another coating to his cock and returned to try two fingers in me. Inch by inch, he entered, slowly stretching me and making me beg for more. His other hand found my dick and he slicked it up and down. The added sensation relaxed me more, and my legs spread wider.

  His heavy balls swung back and forth as he pushed himself between my legs and positioned his condom-coated cock to me. Back and forth he rocked as he stroked my cock.

  My hole opened and swallowed him slowly.